Several ministers of Daoting bowed down to Ziwei Palace.

It turns out that the Imperial Heaven spared Fang Han several times, not only because of some injuries, but also because of waiting for Fang Han to enter the mixed yuan 12 and relying on the mixed yuan 12 to enter the heaven realm.
The goal of the imperial heaven is the realm of heaven. If they make moves now, it will be broken. If this happens, the imperial heaven will kill people!
Chapter 912 Breakthrough
Thousands of years have passed.
Nine thousand years have passed since Yutian refined violet roots.
In 9000, the Taoist court was finally integrated, and the three major forces, the Demon Court, the Great Jing Court, were finally completed, so there was no war at the root of the Taoist court in 9000.
The same is true of the immortal shrine, and I don’t know what Fang Han does. Both shrines are honestly and peacefully compared.
This day’s Taoist court
Kwai Dark Gazes at Ziwei Palace "It’s been 9,000 years since it was closed. It’s estimated that dozens of yuan meetings have passed now, but it’s time to come out!"
Jiang Ya shook his head. "It’s really hard to say that we haven’t made a breakthrough yet, otherwise we would have come out long ago, but there are too many problems to be solved now!"
"Roar …"
Then Fang Han resumed the eternal life door on the top of the body and slowly poured out the horrible energy. God stared at all this against the residual soul and said softly, "Yes … this is the sixth sacrifice to swallow this horrible energy. Let the body enter the mixed yuan 11!"
Fang Han smiled grimly and then rushed out with vast coercion.
"Roar …"
Looking up at the sky, roaring, horrible, and wild.
At one time, the whole universe rolled up in horror, the end of the day, the wind and the rain poured down, and the thunder had turned into a dark color, full of this destructive atmosphere.
Suddenly, the Taoist court came to breathe, and the wind rolled up and killed the immortal shrine.
"Hum …"
The cold cold hum a mind move is also rolled up the wind.
At the junction of the center of the flood and the wilderness, there was an instant roar and explosion.
"Boom …"
When the sky is torn and twisted, it is paused, and the explosion is an evolutionary fire and geomantic omen.
"Boom …"
The dark thunder also collides, and every time it breaks one place.
"Boom …"
The evolution of the extinct rainstorm and the constant impact of the horrible water column seem to wash away the whole flood.
"Boom …"
Instantaneous collision and crushing present a vast heaven.
Where are the five shivering heaven huddled in fear and looked at the scene of destruction 3.
Suddenly, the whole universe can feel a cry from the heart, especially the pick Jin Xian. They realize that the avenue is instantly horrible.
Heaven fears and cries.
This is the result of breath collision between Yu Tian and Fang Han.
Everyone in Daoting bowed down to Ziwei Palace.
Imperial Heaven slowly converges his breath, saying, "It’s a pity that the physical body is ten times as heavy as Tianyuan God’s ten times as heavy as heaven, but it’s not a mixed yuan and twelve times. It’s really good that the emperor and Fang Han enter the mixed yuan and twelve times."
Muttering to myself, swinging in the purple palace
