Wang Ming sat down silently with a strange expression on his face. Yue Ming and Yue Hua did not urge Wang Ming to quietly wait for him to digest the present situation.

Chapter two hundred and fifty Mei Niang Goddess clan
"Brother Wang Ming, I think your strength is extraordinary and you are brilliant. Although you want to travel to the mainland, the mainland may soon start a war. Even without our goddess to regain the ghost beads, all races in this continent have gone through a lack of desire to recuperate. Sooner or later, they are going to have a big war, and it is very likely that we will lead before the meeting. "Yuehua and Wang Ming have seen each other twice and have a good impression on Wang Ming. They know that Wang Ming’s theory is a strategy or strength is very good. Although the strength of the fairy family has increased greatly, the fairy family has been trapped in the ghost town for decades, and the life has made them lose their fighting power. Now the fairy family is in urgent need of Wang Ming, a talented person with control ability."
"This … I appreciate your kindness, but this matter is still important to consider!" Wang Ming can’t make up his mind at the moment. He can delay the way first
"Well, it’s not difficult for us, Wang Ming, little brother. You can decide whether to go or stay in the future, and you will always be a friend of the goddess family." Yue Ming said at first sight that Wang Ming was a man of strong opinions, and it was not the way to stay too much.
"oh! By the way, Wang Ming, I’ve always wanted to ask you, but I never got a chance. What was that old guy Duo Long like when he met you? Why did he ask you to send the ghost beads back to the goddess family? That guy should get rid of you and send the ghost beads back to the Senate of the Ten Nations Alliance. " At this time, Yuehua changed the topic to Wang Ming, so she asked curiously.
Yuet Wah’s asking about the place is whether it’s Moonlight or Yingying. The two sisters, Zi Xuan, are curious to look at Wang Mingshen.
"Actually, when I met the old man, I was playing against him, and the old man was seriously injured and broke into the attack range of our play. I could protect him, but it was because of this gap that I fell off the wind, but the old man soon woke up and helped me crack the other moves, which saved my life.
But at that time, Mr. Xianlao was dying, so he took out this pearl by caesarean section and begged me to send it to the goddess family in the depths of Ghost Ze.
That’s what the old gentleman said at that time. He said that the most regrettable thing in his life was to get this pearl and give up a lover he loved. Even though he could enjoy prosperity in the rest of his life, his heart was still suffering.
Finally, he said that maybe something should be returned to the original owner, and his soul would get some comfort after his death. He said that he knew that his beloved had gone, and now he can go to find her! "Wang Ming simply described the scene at that time, especially when the old man died, and some regrets Wang Ming said every word.
After Wang Ming finished speaking, there was a scene of crow and moonlight. After listening to Wang Ming’s narrative, the expressions were very complicated, with a little relief and a little hatred, but more sadness. This sadness is the yearning for the deceased!
"I say! Duo Long, with the ten patriarchs, don’t hide from Yaocheng. He also knows regret. He also knows what suffering is. If it weren’t for his eldest sister, he wouldn’t have died so miserable. Even if he died, he couldn’t be forgiven! " Yuehua sadness after still angry way
"Little sister, come on, now that people are dead, it’s too late to say anything, but it’s too late for him to find his conscience and return the ghost beads, which also gives me a chance to be a goddess again." Yueming shook his head with a wry smile.
After all, anyone who always looks forward to the past can blame fate.
"So! Wang Ming’s little brother, although we goddess clan have got back the lost and still the ghost beads, we won’t act immediately. After all, when people live in the ghost town for too long, I’ll find someone to arrange for you to live first and then reply to us when you think about it. "Moonlight smiles and says.
Although the return of the Goddess Beads was an unexpected pleasure, the Goddess clan’s pursuit of the Goddess Beads has been deserved for a long time. After the Goddess Beads were recovered, the Goddess clan can also carry out it according to their plans. It is better for Wang Ming that they can borrow strength. If they can’t, the Goddess clan will not stop their plans.
Wang Minggang wanted to nod and say yes at this time, but he saw Mei Niang. Wang Ming suddenly remembered that they had come to Ghost Ze to send Mei Niang to find her mother to entrust a good friend, but who knew that a ghost bead was killed in the middle of the way? Now that I have arrived, I always have to say something whether Mei Niang wants to stay here or not.
Wang Ming was just about to open his mouth when he found someone pulling his skirt hard. Looking back, Wang Ming was a snowy bird with an anxious face and eyes looking at Wang Ming from time to time.
When Wang Ming saw the snow bird move, it turned white. The contact between the snow bird and the ghost bead made a gap in the snow bird’s mind, which made the snow bird see that the seal was broken. I hope that the ghost bead has returned to the goddess family, which means that someone can manipulate the ghost bead. If you recognize the manipulation, you may be able to seal her.
Wang Ming is now the first two adults. It seems that he sent a trip to the ghost beads. Instead, he has a lot of things to turn to the goddess family. This time, he is kind to the goddess family. Otherwise, if the old man asks them to send the ghost beads back to the Senate of the Ten Nationalities Alliance, then Wang Ming is really unlikely to come to this ghost town again.
Wang Ming abandoned his thoughts in his mind and immediately said, "The heads of the fathers’ adults are coming to Ghost Ze at the moment. Besides sending back the ghost beads, I still have two things to ask for. I don’t know if I should speak improperly."
"oh! Don’t mention it, little brother Wang Ming. Otherwise, if we don’t go against the purpose of our goddess family and don’t let us do difficult things, we will certainly help. "Yue Ming promised at once when he saw Wang Ming and something else.
"It’s no big deal. My mother, a fox friend, once had some contacts with the nobility and formed an extraordinary friendship. Now her mother has passed away and she is now alone. Her mother asked her to come to Ghost Ze to find a close friend of the Goddess and ask for a place to live." Wang Ming waved her hand and let Mei Niang come out and then slowly said.
"oh! There is also this kind of thing. We did have contacts with the fox family when the League of Ten Nationalities fought abroad. Who is your mother and what is her friend’s name? " After hearing what Wang Ming said, Yue Ming was also curious to turn his attention to Mei Niang and then asked
"When my mother died, it happened suddenly, and she didn’t say too clearly. She asked me to take this thing to Ghost Ze to find the Goddess Family, and then the Goddess Family would naturally entertain me." Mei Niang didn’t know who her mother knew her best friend at the beginning, but fortunately, she was flattered by the token.
"oh! It’s good to have a token, otherwise it’s hard to find it. After all, decades have passed, and many people and things have changed! " Yue Ming is relieved. After all, Wang Ming is a well-endowed population and has something to do with the goddess family. Of course, Yue Ming is very willing to contribute to this matter.
"The patriarch’s adult, you see that my mother left me a token, which is this Yu Pei!" Mei Niang smiled and took out a piece of Yu Pei Road from her arms. Yu Pei was carved with a fairy with a pair of looming wings behind her. Yu Pei’s sculpture was lifelike and exquisite.
Yue Ming and Yue Hua’s original roots have no intention of Mei Niang. This matter is still what people in the family had contact with the fox family in those days. Now girls are lonely and rely on it. But when Mei Niang took out the piece of Yu Pei, Yue Ming’s eyes immediately showed surprise, even the color casually glanced at Yue Hua, and then the two men looked at each other and saw the shock from their eyes. This shock is no less than the return of the goddess family.
Wang Ming has been carefully observing the attitude of the Goddess to Mei Niang. After all, Mei Niang and Wang Ming have known each other for a long time, and the feelings of the two people taking care of each other are not shallow. If Wang Ming felt that his future life was more displaced, he would never leave Mei Niang in another place. Wang Mingyao found that the Goddess was impatient, and Wang Ming would not let Mei Niang stay.
But Wang Ming, the two adults in charge of the goddess family, saw not disgust but shock or consternation. At this time, Wang Ming was a little confused and shouldn’t have! How can Yue Ming and Yue Hua be so rude when they are in charge of the clan?
"ah! It really is an old girl. What’s your name? " Moonlight reacted quickly, and she was a little rude and immediately realized
"My name is Mei Niang, chief of the clan," Mei Niang replied cleverly.
"Mei Niang, Mei Niang is a good name. Mei Niang, don’t worry. From now on, the goddess family is your home. What do you need? Although we will try our best to meet you, you’re welcome." Yueming immediately patted her chest and promised.
"Thank you, Chief!" Mei Niang Xi Xi smiled. For this result, Mei Niang didn’t look surprised but took it for granted.
"Be nice to Mei Niang, so you can leave me for Yinger and Yinger to arrange the best room for you. I also have something to tell you. Do you like it?" Yue Ming discussed with Mei Niang
"good! No problem, the room should be not too far away from Wang Ming’s brother, "Mei Niang replied brightly."
"Yes, no problem!" Moonlight immediately promised to come
Wang Ming looked at the conversation between two people and suddenly had a little illusion as if Mei Niang was not like a boarding junior but more like a distinguished young lady.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Mei Niang identity
Wang Ming was relieved to see that the Goddess Family treated Mei Niang so kindly. After all, now the Goddess Family has found the Ghost Beads. Although it is possible to wage war in the future, it is relieved that the Goddess Family is guarded by the Ghost Beads and restrained by the Five Goddess Beads. The Goddess Family’s combat power is quite terrible. It is necessary for the Goddess Family to treat Mei Niang Wang Ming well.
Yue Ming arranged Mei Niang and then turned around and said, "Brother Wang Ming, is your friend one thing and another?"
"Well, the patriarch’s adult, this is another friend of mine. When I met her in Yaocheng, she lost her memory, and she didn’t remember her name and life. After careful examination, I found that the memory part in her mind was sealed, but the seal position was too complicated. I really couldn’t do anything.
But after I got the ghost bead, my friend touched the ghost bead intentionally, but the ghost bead can make a hole in the seal. But I don’t understand that manipulating the ghost bead is afraid that touching the ghost bead will damage my friend’s brain. Now that the ghost bead has returned to other people’s hands, I wonder if the patriarch can help me solve the seal in her brain? "Wang Ming has a look at Mei Niang’s things, so he said the Snowbird things again.
Wang Ming is now completely relieved about Mei Niang Goddess. If Snowbird finds a memory and can go back to her family, then Wang Ming will have no worries.
"oh! That’s right! To tell you the truth, brother Wang Ming, although the ghost bead is now back in my hands, it was my elder sister who inherited the ghost bead. Most of my knowledge about the ghost bead comes from dictation and memorization, and I still need to adapt to the actual operation. If you are not in a hurry! How about I help you, a friend, to unlock the seal when I have mastered the ghost beads thoroughly? " Yue Ming told the truth that since her elder sister lost the ghost beads, the goddess family of the ghost beads has become a memory. Even if she replaced her elder sister and became a saint in charge of the goddess family, she still lacked understanding of the ghost beads.
"good! Then thank you for being the chief of the fathers’ adult. We need you to be convenient and free to call us all these days. I’m afraid this is the place to ask questions. "Wang Ming immediately rejoiced.
Since Yueming promised, she will never break her word. Besides, people have just got their own treasure back. There must be many arrangements. Yueming is very grateful for agreeing to this Wang Ming.
"Brother Wang Ming, you’re welcome. If there is any need or poor hospitality, you can tell us." Moonlight is also courteous to Wang Ming.
"Well, I won’t bother you," Wang Ming said upon.
"Good surplus son, shadow son, you go and settle down Wang Ming’s little brother and Mei Niang girl," Yueming confessed.
